Illustrated by Karen Ritz
Henry Holt & Co., 2007
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Every night, Daddy tucks his child into bed and sings the same song: a song that says no matter what happens, even if the whole world turns upside down, Daddy will always love you.

Why I wrote this book
When I was a little girl, my father used to tuck me in and tell me funny stories before I fell asleep. I wrote Daddy’s Song so that daddies everywhere would have a fun book to read to their children at bedtime.
When ice cream cones fall from the sky
Cats grow wings and start to fly
Foxes play with balls and bats
Chickens wear fine coats and hats…© 2001 Lesléa Newman
“This lullaby paints the world as just this side or ordinary. It offers a wonderful view into cherished times between father and daughter as he promises, “Your daddy’s here, and he loves you.” Capturing a heartwarming moment as tuck-in time becomes a cozy, loving ritual.”